GMOs in Food Production

ECTS points:


Course number:

Course Description


  • Introduction to the course and the distribution of GMOs worldwide
  • Plant genomes, polyploid and hybrid plants
  • Transformation of plant cells and cell culture
  • Characteristics of GM plants
  • Dilemma about GM plants and the use of GM-microorganisms in food production
  • Methods for detection and quantification of GMOs, final discussion and conclusions


  • explain GMO related concepts such as genetic modification, mutation, mutagen, mutagenesis, genetic engineering, transgenic organism, transgene, cisgene, heterologous gene expression, GM product, "pharming"
  • distinguish between the principle and methods and evaluate and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering and classical breeding
  • based on concrete examples, argue the reasons for GMOs use from the point of view of producers and consumers and compare US, EU and RH policies with the application of GMOs in food production
  • conclude whether certain claims about the ecological and economic consequences of breeding certain GM plants are true and to support the answers with argumentation
  • based on the knowledge of a particular biosynthetic pathway, propose the genetic modification that will result in a desired physiological change such as increased concentration of a metabolite, change in starch structure, fatty acid composition, etc.
  • conclude which genetic modification could have a positive or negative impact on certain technological and nutritional properties of certain plants (e.g. wheat, potatoes, oilseeds)
  • conclude and argue whether certain applications of GM-microorganisms are subject to the GMO Law in the Republic of Croatia
  • argue if some foodstuffs could be a GM product and to conclude whether, under the GMO Act, it should be labelled as a GM product
  • explain the principle, procedure and application of methods for detection and quantification of GMOs
  • review and present the original scientific paper covering a topic about the GMO issue in an understandable way or review and present an application for registration of a GM plant to colleagues, answer their questions and ask questions and participate in the discussion
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