Immunology for Nutritionists

Course Coordinator

ECTS points:


Course number:
239438; 39843

Course Description


Introduction to immunobiology, ,composition of the immune system, innate immunity, adopted immunity, mechanisms of allergic reactions, natural and artificial allergens/antigens, gut associated lymphoid cells (GALT), food allergeis and  hypersensitivities ,food induced anaphylaxis, IgE mediated food allergy, definition and classification of food allergens, risk  assessment in nutrition, management and communication in the area of food safety, genetically modified organisms, immune system in skin, immediate hypersensitivity  reactions in skin, respiratory allergies, respiratory allegens

Review of the immune system

  • Introduction to Immunology: definition of Immunology. History of the discoveries. The role of the immune system. Basic concepts, definitions and components of the immune system.
  • Organization of the immune system: Organs, tissues and cells involved in the immune response.

Phisiological course of immunoreaction

  • Innate immunity: anatomical, physiological, chemical barriers. Local and systemic defense. Nonspecifc antigen recognition (PP receptors). Phagocytosis. Inflammatory barriers.
  • Aquired (specific) immunity: Specificity of T- and B-cell receptors for antigen. Repertoire of receptors. Maturing of T limphocytes. Tissue antigens. Antigen presenting cells. Presentation of endogenous and exogenous antigens.
  • Modulation of immunorection. Humoral immunity. Role and structure of antibodies. Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
  • Mechanism of inflammatory reaction: clinical signs of inflammatory reaction. Acute/chronical inflammation. Exogenous and endogenous mediators of inflammatory reaction. Phases of inflammatory reaction.

Allergic reactions. Immune system of mucosa and skin.

  • Mechanisms of allergic reactions: types allergic reactions (Type I – IV). Characteristics of allergens. Natural and artificial allergens/antigens. Symptoms  of allergies. Cells involved in allergic reactions. Regulation of immunoglobulin IgE synthesis.
  • Mucosal immunity: structure and function of mucosal immune system (limphatic tissue of digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive system). Immune system and allergies of the respiratory tract.
  • Immune system of the skin.

Food allergies and other adverse reactions on food components


Differences between food allergy and intolerance. Celiac disease, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. Food allergy diagnostics and control in children. Nutrition of children with cystic fibrosis. The role of nutrition and physical activity on immunity in obese individuals. Probiotics (and prebiotics) and their effect on immune system. The effect of nutrition on respiratory system infections. Fatty acids and inflammation.


  • name the components of the immune system
  • explain the mechanisms of immune response
  • identify the differences between innate and acquired immunity
  • link and explain mechanisms of antigen recognition and presentation
  • describe and explain mechanisms of humoral and cellular immunity
  • indicate basic types of hypersensitivity and explain mechanism of alergic reaction
  • differentiate allergic reactions and intolerance on individual food components
  • link the effect of nutrition on the immune status of a person

To enrol in this course, the following courses must be completed:

  • Biochemistry 1
  • Biochemistry 2
  • Nutrition 1
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