Mechanisms of Evolution

Course Coordinator

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Course Description


  • Evolution and history of life
  • Basic Evolutionary Processes
  • Population genetics and evolution
  • Taxonomy, systematics and phylogeny
  • Evolution of the gene
  • Evolution of the genome
  • Origin of the virus
  • Evolution of prokaryotes
  • Evolution of eukaryotes
  • Experimental evolution


  • explain the evolutionary tree and the three domains of life on Earth and explain the difference between the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) and the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA)
  • compare processes during the evolution of prokaryotic cells and the formation of the first eukaryotic cell
  • explain the difference between the basic processes of evolution: variation, natural selection (selection), genetic deflection, genetic flux and hereditary genetic variants such as mutations, recombination and transfer genes and genomes
  • explain the origin of the virus through three hypotheses, then the connection between the virus and the origin of the three domains, and to explain, through existing viruses, the path from RNA to the DNA of the world and the daily role of virus in cell evolution
  • compare the effects of selective amplification through innovation, amplification and / or divergence and duplication during the occurrence of new genes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  • explain the evolution of gene regulatory network in bacterial genomes, ortiologic and parental genes, structure and evolution of trans-acting elements, cis-acting elements and bacterial operons
  • explain the endosimbiotic theory of evolution of eukaryotic cells and to link the moving genetic elements and the evolution of the mammalian genome
  • explain the difference between the cladogram and the filogram and explain the research plan in molecular filogeny, the choice of support for phylogenetic trees and program for phylogenetic analysis
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