Safety of Packaged Food (KSH)

Course Coordinator

ECTS points:

poslijediplomski specijalistički

Course Description

Food safety aspects with regards to packaging material: metal (corrosion); polymers (migration from polymer into food; permeability of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, air…) water vapour and aroma compounds) in food contact during storage and distribution (effect of time, moisture and temperature); Overview of packaging methods (vacuum, aseptic, active, intelligent packaging, modified (MA) and controlled (CA) atmosphere packaging; selection of packaging material and method for the specific food product.


  1. Debeaufort, F., Galić, K., Kurek, M., Benbettaieb, N., Ščetar, M (2021) Packaging materials and processing for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics, Debeaufort, F., Galić, K., Kurek, M., Benbettaieb, N., Ščetar, M., (eds.). ISTE Ltd., London and John Wiley & Sons, New York. ISBN: 978-1-78945-039-2. pp. 386
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