Legislation in Food Quality Control

Course Coordinator

ECTS points:


Course number:
252798; 32440

Course Description


Overview of Food Legislation, Republic Croatia Food Law. Official controls; implementation, obligations, responsibilities. Providing of food information to consumers. The Rapid alert system for food and feed, emergency measures and crisis management. Food Hygiene and Microbiological Criteria for Food. Food additives, flavourings, enzymes and processing aids. Harmful substances (contaminants, pesticides, residues ...). Novel food and foodstuffs intended for special nutritional needs. Organic products. Protected designation of origin and protected geographical indications for agricultural and food products. Consumer goods.


  • interpret the terms and concepts of food quality and food safety
  • use the accurate legislation related to food safety and food quality;
  • describe and interpret food hygiene requirements;
  • design information related to labelling of the specific food
  • identify and discuss the responsibilities and obligations of individual food business operator
  • apply legislation for certain types of food and  consumer goods

To enrol in this course, the following course must be completed:

  • Raw Materials for Food Industry
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