Food Plant Design

Course Coordinator

ECTS points:


Course number:

Course Description


  • Introduction to food plant design
  • Food plant scope and production organization
  • Food process design
  • Selection of construction materials and process equipment
  • Balances of materials, energy and work force
  • Transport and storage
  • Food plant layout
  • Additional considerations in food plant design


  • distinguish the phases of food plant project design identify the role of food technologist in those phases
  • recommend the location of the food plant, depending on the properties of raw materials, products and processes
  • prepare the terms of reference and analyse and recommend the raw material, product, process, degree of mechanization and automation, the required energy and workforce for the food plant operation
  • calculate the material and energy balance and the amount of waste released from the food plant
  • select construction material, process, transport and storage equipment of the appropriate properties
  • apply specific requirements and legal regulations in the development of the food production process
  • develop process schemes, layouts of equipment as well as main, auxiliary and storage areas and the situation plan of the food plant
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