Phone: | + 385 1 4605 287 |
Fax: | + 385 1 4836 072 |
Email: | anet.rezek.jambrak(at) |
The Department for General studies (Department CI) was established, as a separate department) in 1996, after the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology was reorganized. Until 1996 the Department for General Studies was incorporated in the Department of Process Engineering. Since 1996, there have been the following sections incorporated in the Department of General Studies: the Section for Management, the Section for Technical Foreign Languages (English, German and French), the Section for Social Sciences and the Section for Physical Education. The first head of the Department for General Studies was Andrea Šupih-Kvaternik, MA, senior lecturer lecturing technical English and Technical French. Today the Department for Technical Foreign Languages consists of the following subunits: the Section for Management, the Section for Technical Foreign Languages and the Section for Physical Education and Health.
Laboratories and Cabinets |
Section for Technical Foreign Languages |
Section for Physical Education |
Section for Economics |
Laboratory for sustainable development |
Name and surname | Academic title | Job title |
Anet Režek Jambrak | PhD | Full Professor |
Marijo Ćaćić | mag. | Senior Lecturer |
Neven Karković | Prof. | Senior Lecturer |
Ana Kovačić | Prof. | Senior Lecturer |
Dijana Njerš | Prof. | Senior Lecturer |
Lidija Podvalej | Prof. | Senior Lecturer |
Marinela Nutrizio | mag. | Senior Scientific Assistant |
Josipa Dukić | mag. ing. | Scientific Assistant |
Course Title | Course number | ECTS |
English for Specific Purposes 1 | 239332; 239468; 240348; 74367; 74369; 74371 | 1 |
English for Specific Purposes 2 | 252774; 239343; 240366; 87087; 87088; 87089 | 1 |
English for Specific Purposes 3 | 39859 | 3 |
Food Products Marketing | 66912 | 3 |
German for Specific Purposes | 256001; 239344; 240367; 87090; 87091; 87092 | 1 |
German for Specific Purposes | 239333; 239469; 240356; 74368; 74369; 74372 | 1 |
Physical education | 252727; 252776; 252787; 252768; 252784;252794; 239334;240804; 240357; 239346; 240806; 240363; | 1 ECTS semestralno za studije Nutricionizma i Prehrambene tehnologije te 0,5 za studij Biotehnologije |
Physical Properties of Food | 252799 | 5 |
Physical properties of food systems | 32406 | 5 |
Course Title | Course number | ECTS |
English for Specific Purposes 4 (Elective module) | 66859 | 3 |
English for Specific Purposes 5 (Elective module) | 66861 | 3 |
Industry 4.0 in Biotechnical Sciences | 253087 | 3 |
Management | 53657; 53660; 253078; 253095 | 5 |
Sustainability of Advanced Food Processing Technologies | 253085 | 3 |
Course Title | Course number | ECTS |
Sustainable techniques for processing of food and agro-food by-products | 3 |