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This course introduces students to the basic differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, as well as plant and animal cells; organization and function of cell organelles; structure and role of the cell membrane, cell wall and elements of the cytoskeleton. Also, there will be explained the basic metabolic and regulatory processes in the cell and the principles of inheritance. Different animal and plant tissues and human organ systems, principles of systematics, cladogenesis and phylogeny will be explained.
In addition to theoretical lectures, every topic is additionaly elaborated in exercises in which students will aquire microscopy skills using plant and animal material. Seminars are designed to additionaly introduce students to topics through problem solving.
As stated in the Merlin-based Guide. Consultations by appointment, on demand.
Šver Lidija, Bielen Ana, Babić Ivana, Vladušić Tomislav, Hrašćan Reno, Durgo Ksenija, Franekić Jasna, Priručnik za vježbe iz Biologije 1, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 232 str., ISBN 978-953-6893-15-7
Lidija Šver, Ana Bielen, Ivana Bošnjak, Tomislav Vladušić, Reno Hrašćan, Ksenija Durgo, Jasna Franekić "Priručnik za vježbe iz Biologije 2" (in-house study material)