Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


Ivana Kmetič, PhD

Phone: + 385 1 4605 288


Anamarija Šokčević, dipl. iur.

Phone: + 385 1 4605 075


6. floor

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, as a constituent part of the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology was established in 1979 All fundamental chemical and biochemical disciplines are taught by the Department at an undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level including general, analytical, organic and physical chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as modules in applied chemistry and biochemistry, such as green chemistry, food toxicology, protein characterization and purification and biochemical analytics and instrumental analysis. Furthermore, the Department’s teaching staff is also involved in doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Zagreb. Scientific research of the Department is conducted within a large number of research projects, which includes research on the synthesis and isolation of biologically active compounds, their spectroscopic and electrochemical characterisation; studies of metallocene bioconjugates, development of chemometric methods and chemical sensors and the development and application of instrumental techniques for determination of different analytes and their metabolic products in biological material; molecular modelling of diffusion processes through polymer membranes, studies of the fungal cell wall biogenesis and mechanisms of regulation of gene expression in yeast and research on endocrine disruptors in food.



Laboratories and Cabinets
Laboratory for General and Inorganic Chemistry and Electroanalysis
Laboratory for Organic Chemistry
Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry
Laboratory for Physical Chemistry and Corrosion
Laboratory for Biochemistry
Laboratory for Toxicology


Name and surname Academic title Job title
Senka Djaković PhD Full Professor
Damir Iveković PhD Full Professor
Ivone Jakaša PhD Full Professor
Ivana Kmetič PhD Full Professor
Renata Teparić PhD Full Professor
Lidija Barišić PhD Associate Professor
Mojca Čakić Semenčić PhD Associate Professor
Maja Dent PhD Associate Professor
Veronika Kovač PhD Associate Professor
Monika Kovačević PhD Associate Professor
Jasmina Lapić PhD Associate Professor
Antonela Ninčević Grassino PhD Associate Professor
Igor Stuparević PhD Associate Professor
Anita Horvatić PhD Assistant Professor
Teuta Murati PhD Assistant Professor
Filip Šupljika PhD Assistant Professor
Bojan Žunar PhD Assistant Professor
Dina Franić PhD Senior Scientific Assistant
Marina Miletić PhD Senior Scientific Assistant
Ana Novačić PhD Senior Scientific Assistant
Marko Nuskol PhD Senior Scientific Assistant
Romana Ivković mag. ing. Scientific Assistant
Tea Martinić Cezar mag. ing. Scientific Assistant
Antonia Paić mag. ing. Scientific Assistant
Ines Peremin mag. ing. Scientific Assistant
Egon Rešetar mag. ing. Scientific Assistant
Marina Štivičić mag. Scientific Assistant
Vedranka Fajdetić Eng. Senior Technical Associate
Jasna Barišić Oec. Senior Technical Associate
Mira Bunčić Technical Associate
Marina Čvek Technical Associate
Luka Popović Technical Associate
Jasmina Strčić Technical Associate
Petra Trstenjak Technical Associate
Slobodan Barbarić PhD professor emeritus


Name and surname Academic title Job title
Nina Bilandžić PhD Senior Scientist

Courses (preddiplomski)

Course Title Course number ECTS
Analytical chemistry (BT) 159293 3
Analytical chemistry (N) new program 240364; 159295 3
Analytical chemistry (PT) 239338; 159293 3
Application of Spectroscopic Methods in Biotechnology 269699 3
Basic Toxicology 39776 3
Biochemistry 1 252762/PT 32408/PT 252770/BT 32419/BT 252796/N 32430/N 5
Biochemistry 2 32413/PT 252778/BT 32423/BT 32436/N 5 (N:6)
Chemistry 1 (N) old program 10
Chemistry 1 (N) old program 10
Chemistry 1 (old program) 12
Chemistry 1 (old program) 12
Communication skills in business and science (N) 240359 3
Communication skills in business and science (PT) 239330 3
General Chemistry 159290; 159291 9
General chemistry (N) new program 159292 7
Instrumental analysis 32433 6 (N:5)
Instrumental Analysis (FT and BT) 6
Instrumental Methods of Analysis 269688 4
Organic Chemistry 6 (N:5)
Organic Chemistry 239336; 239473; 240360 7 (N:6)
Physical Chemistry (BT) 239474 -
Physical Chemistry (N) 252788 4
Physical Chemistry (PT) 25271; 37913; 37915 6 (N:5)
Protein Purification and Characterisation 252783; 39806 4
Special Topics of Green Chemistry 39864 2

Courses (diplomski)

Course Title Course number ECTS
Application of spectroscopic methods for characterization of bioactive compounds 239550 3
Applied Instrumental Analysis 66800 3
Biochemical Analytics 53248/MB 53614/BPI 6
Biochemical Function of Vitamins and Ions in Food and Nutrition 239452; 53615 5
Bisensors in Food Quality Control 53730 3
Chemistry of Natural Products 173142; 53244 3
Corrosion and Material Protection 53299 2
Food Toxiciology (Graduate Study of Food Engineering ) 239592; 53714 3
Food Toxiciology (Graduate Study of Food Safety Management ) 53715 5
Food Toxiciology (Graduate Study of Nutrition) 239433; 53610 6
Fundamentals of Biorganometal Chemistry -
Green Chemistry 53296 3
Integrated Aprroach to Chemical Systems 66799 (IPASS) 3
Lipase-Catalysed Preparation of Chiral Compounds 53303 3
Methodology of Scientific Work and Intelectual Property Protection (Graduate Study of Food Engineering ) 3
Methodology of Scientific Work and Intelectual Property Protection (Graduate Study of Food Safety Management ) 53666 3
Methodology of Scientific Work and Intelectual Property Protection (Graduate Study of Molecular Biotechnology ) 53247; 53664 4
Methodology of Scientific Work and Intelectual Property Protection (Graduate Study of Nutrition) 239445 2
Molecular Biology 53243 4
Peptidomimetics and Pseudopeptides 53304 3
Peptidomimetics and pseudopeptides -
Planning and Optimization of Analysis 66802 3
Process Analytical Methods in Food Industry 253084 3
The Fundamentals of Bioorganometallic Chemistry 53305; 53267 2
The fundamentals of bioorganometallic chemistry -
Toxicological Aspects of Food Processing (Graduate Study of Nutrition) 239443; 53716 3
Toxicology (Graduate Study of Molecular Biotechnology ) 53252 3

Courses (doktorski)

Course Title Course number ECTS
Biosensors 165606 3
Cell walls of industrial microorganisms 165602 3
Ecotoxicology and food toxicology 165604 3
Food Toxiciology and Toxicological Aspects of Food Processing 3
Lipase-catalysed preparation of chiral compounds 165607 3
Methodology of scientific work 165649 3
Nutritional biochemistry and biochemical changes in food 165657 5
The protein mimetics 165608 3

Courses (poslijediplomski specijalistički)

Course Title Course number ECTS
Toxicological Aspects of Food Processing (Postgraduate Specialist Studies in Food Quality and Safety) 4
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