Course Coordinator |
Program: |
Course module title
The fundamentals of bioorganometallic chemistry
Course content
1. Definition and historical background of bioorganometallic chemistry, overview of
previous development. / 2 hours
2. Naturally-ocurring bioorganometallic. / 2 hours
3. Organometallic targeted to specific biological sites: the development of new
therapies. / 2 hour
4. Conjugates of peptides and PNA with organometallic complexes. Genosensors. / 3
5. Organometallic bioprobes. / 2 hours
6. Organometallic complexes as tracers in non-isotopic immunoassay. / 2 hours
7. Supramolecular host recognition processes with biological compounds. Structure and
mechanism of metalloenzyme active site. / 2 hours
Laboratory practice exercises
1. Coupling of ferrocene amino acid with natural amino acids by using HOBt/ EDC method. / 4 hours
2. Synthesis of ferrocene conjugates with carbohydrate amino acid. / 4 hours
3. Isolation of prepared bioconjugates from reaction mixture. TLC-purification. / 8
4. IR and NMR characterization of prepared bioconjugates. / 7 hours
Teaching practices and methods
Lectures and laboratory practice exercices
Evaluation of student learning
Oral report - presentation
Naziv datoteke | Veličina | Ubačeno/mijenjano |
Naziv datoteke | Veličina | Ubačeno/mijenjano |
Literature list
1. G. Jaouen (Editor), Bioorganometallics: Biomolecules, Labeling, Medicine, John Wiley
& Sons, Weinheim, 2006.
2. G. Simonneaux (Editor), Bioorganometallic Chemistry (Topics in Organometallic
Chemistry), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
3. D. R. van Staveren, N. Metzler-Nolte, Bioorganometallic Chemistry of Ferrocene,
Chem. Rev. 104 (2004) 5931-5985.