Dietary fiber as functional food ingredients

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Course Description


The history of usage of dietary fiber in diet. Overview and definition of dietary fiber. Physico-chemical and nutritional properties of dietary fiber. Distribution of dietary fiber (according to the source, structure, solubility). Polysaccharide fiber, cellulose, pectin, sugar beet fiber, resistant oligosaccharides and resistant starch. Plant hydrocolloids - plant exudates, algae secretions, seed gums. Exopolysaccharides. Analytical methods for dietary fiber determination. The metabolism of carbohydrates and impact of diet rich in dietary fiber and phytates on health. Technological aspects of dietary fiber production. Recent developments in the production and application of dietary fiber. The use of dietary fiber as functional ingredients for food and supplements production. The legislation, health claims and labeling  related to of dietary fiber.


  • Connect the physiological and metabolic effects of dietary fiber with the prevention and treatment of certain diseases
  • Integrate by-products of food industry, as a source of dietary fiber, in the formulation of new food products
  • Propose new procedures for the separation of dietary fiber depending on the type of raw material
  • Develop new food products with increased content of dietary fiber


10h lectures+10h seminars


  1. Anderson, J.W., Baird, P., Davis, R.H., Ferreri, S., Knudtson, M., Koraym, A., Waters, V., Williams, C.L. 82009) Health benefits of dietary fiber. Nutr. Rev. 67(4), 188–205.
  2. Dickinson, E. (2003) Hydrocolloids at interfaces and the influence on the properties of dispersed systems. Food hydrocoll., 17, 25-39.
  3. Gullon, P., Gonzales-Munoz, M.J., Parajo, J.C. (2011) Manufacture and prebiotic potential of oligosaccharides derived from industrial solid waste. Biores. Technol., 102, 6112-6119.
  4. Hong, Y., Zi-jun, W., Juan, X., Ying-jie, D., Fang, M. (2012) Development of the dietary fiber functional food and studies on its toxicological and physiologic properties. Food Chem. Toxicol., 50, 3367-3374.
  5. Kaur N, Gupta A. (2002) Applications of inulin and oligofructose in health and nutrition. J. Biosci. 7, 703-714.
  6. Kpthari, D, Patel, S., Goyal, A. (20149 Therapeutic spectrum of nondigestible oligosaccharides: overview of current state and prospect. J. Food Sci. 79(8), 491-498.
  7. McRorie, W.J. (2015) Evidence-based approach to fiber supplemets and clinically meaningful health benefits, part I and part II. Clin. Nutr. 50(2), 82-97.
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