Chemistry and Technology of Fruits and Vegetables

ECTS points:


Course number:
39791; 53738; 253080

Course Description


Maturing and ripening.Chemical composition of fruits and vegetables and their importance.Texture of fruits and vegetables.Speciffic compounds of fruits and vegetables: plant pigments (phenolics, anthocyans, betalains, chlorophils, carotenoids), aroma compounds, polisacharids (pectin subtances). Enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning. Basic operations in fruits` and vegetables` processing. Storage of fruits and vegetables in. modified and controled atmosphere.Technology of clear, opalescent (continental and citrus)  and cloudy as well as concentrated fruit juices and soft drinks. Technology of jams. Fruit in syroup. Technology of candied fruits.Technology of tomato based products. Sterilisation, drying and freezingof fruit and vegetables.Storage and processing of potatoes.Technology of fermented products.Marinated and pasteurized vegetables. Processing of mushrooms.


  • classify fruit and vegetables upon chemical composition
  • select adequate species of fruit or vegetable for processing in certain products based on their chemical composition
  • compare physical and chemical changes due to storage and processing of fruit and vegetbales
  • distinguish the impact of different storage conditions and the overall technological process on the nutritional and biological value and quality of fruit and vegetables products
  • categorize fruit and vegetable products according to technological process and legal regulation
  • differentiate processes of fruit and vegetables processing with regard to the specificity of raw material and final products
  • integrate the specificity of technological process and the attributes of fruit and vegetables products
  • establish process phases that may adversely affect the quality properties of final products
  • design potential improvements in production and new products

To enrol in this course, the following courses must be completed (undergraduate studies):

  • Food Microbiology
  • Biochemistry 1
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry of Food
  • Transport Phenomena
  • Unit Operations
  • Physical Properties of Complex Systems-Foods
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