Wine Chemistry and Technology

ECTS points:


Course number:

Course Description


Vine growing and wine production areas. The basics of wine legislation. Wine cellar-planning, equipment and preparation for harvesting. Grapes as raw material for wine production. Harvesting and processing of grapes. Yeast in wine technology. Alcoholic fermentation. The technology of production of white, red and rose wines. Wine stabilization. Malolactic fermentation. Methods of maturation and aging of wine. Wine filtration and bottling. Chemical composition of wine. Wine aroma. The role and importance of phenolic compounds in wine. Modern methods of analysis of wines. Sensory analysis of wine. Principles of special wine production. Technology of fruit wines production.


  • identify, apply and select specific methods for grape processing and wine production
  • know how to choose the appropriate procedures for wine making and wine storage
  • know the chemical composition of wine and the changes that occur during certain phases of production, processing and storage of wine
  • identify the causes of wine spoilage and defects and know to use procedures for their prevention
  • estimate the quality of wine
  • explain the specificity of the production of sparkling and special wines
  • choose the conditions and procedures for the production of fruit wines
  • create a Wine cellar project
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