Laboratory for Water Technology


Josip Ćurko, PhD

Mobile: 091 1388 474
Email: josip.curko(at)
Lab. za tehnoloske i otpadne vode

The Laboratory staff collaborates closely with the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands, through joint scientific projects and research and a long-standing cooperation with the Universite de Montpelier Institut des Sciences de l Ingenieur from Montpellier. The Laboratory also successfully and extensively cooperates with the industry. The Laboratory staff are the authors of more than 30 main and conceptual technological designs in the field of water treatment, as well as many professional reviews and conceptual technological solutions. Based on the conceptual designs developed in the Laboratory, more than 20 water and wastewater treatment systems in the industry and public water supply were built. The Laboratory was a certified Laboratory for Wastewater Testing for more than 20 years.

External url:


Name and surname Academic title Job title
Marin Matošić PhD Full Professor
Josip Ćurko PhD Associate Professor
Vlado Crnek PhD Scientific Assistant
Lucija Surać mag. ing. Senior Technical Associate

Courses (preddiplomski)

Course Title Course number ECTS
Water Technology (FT) 252726; 64885 4
Water Technology (BT) 252781; 32422 4

Courses (diplomski)

Course Title Course number ECTS
Membrane Bioreactors in Environment Protection 53729 3
Mineral, Spring and Table Water 239593; 53668 3

Courses (doktorski)

Course Title Course number ECTS
Membrane processes in water treatment 165593 3
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