Course Description
- Basic principles of diet therapy
- Organisation of diet in the hospital
- Modified diets according to consistency, and other diets related to upper and lower gastrointestinal tract disorders
- Enteral and parenteral nutrition
- Modified carbohydrate and fat content in diet for patients with malabsorption
- Modified energy intake and fat content in diet for patients with gallbladder, pancreatic and liver diseases
- Modified mineral content and controlled fat content in diet for patients with cardiovascular diseases
- Modified protein, mineral and fluid content in diet for patients with kidney and urinary system dysfunction
- Modified energy intake and protein content in diet for patients in acute stress
- Modified energy intake and protein content in diet for patients with malnutrition (obstructive pulmonary diseases, cancer, HIV)
- Modified carbohydrate content in diet for patients with diabetes mellitus
- Modified food intake in diet for patients with allergies and food intolerances
- Modified intake of micronutrients in diet of patients with osteoporosis
- define and describe diet for specific disease and condition (noncontagious chronic diseases)
- explain the role of specific nutrients in different types of diet
- calculate the nutritional value of the specific diet and make conclusion whether it meets the needs of the patient according to his/hers special needs
- explain differences between enteral and parenteral nutrition and in which cases is applied such nutrition
- define the specifity of the diet system in the hospital and in in the ork of the day hospital
- name basic biochemical parameters important for nutritional assessment, define their reference values and estimate their biological significance
To enrol in this course, the following courses must be completed:
- Basic of Human Physiology
- Nutrition II
- Biochemistry 1
- Biochemistry 2