Contact information
Phone: | + 385 1 4605 025 |
Email: | jgajdos(at) |
Email: | jasenka.gajdos.kljusuric(at) |
Location: Laboratory for Measurement, Control and Automatisation
Undergraduate Programme
Graduate Study
Postgraduate Study
Career development:
15 Nov 2016–Present | Full Professor |
2011–2016 | Associate Professor |
2005–2011 | Docent |
2002–2005 | Senior Assistant |
1998–2002 | Assistant |
1996–1998 | Junior Assistant |
Education and training:
2013 Executive MBA Training in Agribusiness and Commerce, Faculty of Agriculture of the University in Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia), Thesis: Econometric and modeling in menu planing
2004 European Computer Driving Licence Programme, SRCE, Zagreb, University Computing Centre - SRCE, Zagreb (Croatia)
2003–2004 Pedagogical and psychological education, Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia), scope: bio-technical science
2002 PhD Food Technology, Faculty Food Technology and Biotechnology of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia), Thesis: Fuzziness and its application in modeling and optimization of boarding school meals
1998 MSc Food Technology, Faculty Food Technology and Biotechnology of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia), Llinear modeling and optimization in nourishment planing (for school children)
1996 BSc Food Technology, course Nutrition, Faculty Food Technology and Biotechnology of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia), DSC calorimetry and mathematical modeling
Technical University in Munich (TUM) - KAAD schoolarship
University of Hohenheim - KAAD schoolarship
Washington/San Francisco (Cochran Fellowship Program)
Topic of interest: