Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology is located at 6 Pierottijeva street in Zagreb and it shares the building with the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering.
Apart from the main building, the lectures are held in the neighbouring buildings in the Streets of A. Kačića–Miošića and I. Kršnjavoga, while the lectures in physics are held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences – Department of Physics, 32 Bijenička cesta, Zagreb.
The Faculty is situated in the very centre of the city and there are the Chancellor's Office, Croatian National Theatre, Mimara Museum, Student Centre and several faculties in the proximity.
B Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Rektorat/University of Zagreb, Chancellor's office Trg maršala Tita 14
C Studentski centar/Students Centre, Savska cesta 25
D Hrvatsko narodno kazalište/Croatian National Theatre, Trg maršala Tita 15