Marina Svetec Miklenić, PhD

Marina Svetec Miklenić

Contact information

Phone: +385 1 48 36 016

Location: Laboratory for Biology and Microbial Genetics, Kršnjavoga 25


Date and place of birth: 15. 10. 1983., Zagreb, Croatia

Work expirience:

2009 - junior researcher, junior teaching assistant, Faculty of Food technology and biotechnology, University of Zagreb


ongoing Doctoral study in biology, Faculty of scinence, University of Zagreb
2008. Engineer degree in Biotechnology, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb


2011. Mindloops Workshop on soft skills in science, Frontiers in Life Sciensecs - Liliane Bettencourt PhD program, Paris, France
2009 AXA Systems Biology of Ageing Workshop, Cochin Teaching Hospital, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
2007 Creating Interdisciplinary Research projects" summer school, Mediterranean Institute for Life Science, Split, Croatia

Research projects

junior researcher (2009 - ) “Palindromes in genomes and mechanisms of gene replacement in yeast”, Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sporst

Science organizations and bodies:

Croatian Association of Genetic Engineers (member since 2009)
Croatian Genetic Society (member since 2010 )


2012. Second award for best oral presentation by young scientists, 3rd Congress of Croatian Geneticists with international participation, Krk, Croatia
2008. Rector’s award for the best student research, Zagreb, Croatia
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