Ivan-Krešimir Svetec, PhD

Ivan-Krešimir Svetec

Contact information

Phone: + 385 1 4836 016
Email: iksvetec@pbf.hr
Email: ivan-kresimir.svetec@pbf.unizg.hr

Location: Laboratory for Biology and Microbial Genetics, Kršnjavoga 25


Date and place of birth: January 5th 1971, Split, Croatia

Work experience:

2011 - Associate professor, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
2007 - 2011 Assistant professor, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
2005 - 2006 Senior assistant, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
2001 - 2005 Assistant, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
1995 - 2001 Junior assistant, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb


15. 03. 2005. Doctor degree in biotechnical sciences, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
10. 11. 2000. Masters degree in natural sciences, Faculty of Scinece, University of Zagreb
19. 03. 1995. Engineer degree in food technology, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb

Training and visits to foreign institutions:

04. 07. - 10. 10. 2008. Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, U571, Paris, France
2008. Mediterranean Institute for Life Science, Split, Croatia
2007. "EURYI@MedILS" summer school, Mediterranean Institute for Life Science, Split, Croatia
2006. "Creating Interdisciplinary Research projects" summer school, Mediterranean Institute for Life Science, Split, Croatia
2003. EMBO Lecture Course on New Developments in Genomics for Biomedicine, Brdo kod Kranja, Slovenia
1998. Theoretical Course: "RNA Structure and Function", ICGEB, Trieste, Italy
1995. Theoretical Course: "Yeast Molecular Genetics", ICGEB, Trieste, Italy

Awards and recognitions:

Organising committee award for poster presentation on ESF-EMBO Symposium on Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Eukaryotic Genome Evolution, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 20th – 25th October 2007.
Annual award of The society of university teachers, scholars and other scientists to young artists and scientists for accomplishments in 2005.
The support of Biotechnical foundation of Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology for results with potential application in Croatia (1999.)
Rector’s award for best student research on Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology in the academic yeas 1993/1994.

Membership in science organisations and bodies:

European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS, member since 2007)
Croatian Genetic Society (member of steering committee since 2010, member since 1996)
The society of university teachers, scholars and other scientists in Zagreb (member of the assembly since 2010, member since 2005)
Croatian Association of Genetic Engineers (founder and member since 2001)
Croatian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (member since 2002)
Croatian Biological Society (member since 1996)

Committees and boards:

Member of Committee for contained use of genetically modified organisms, Ministry of Health and Social Care
Member of Council of Biotechnical Sciences, University of Zagreb

Current research projects:

project leader “Palindromes in genomes and mechanisms of gene replacement in yeast", Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
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