Duška Ćurić, PhD

Prof.dr.sc.Duška Ćurić

Contact information

Phone: + 385 1 4605 164
Fax: + 385 1 4836 083
Email: dcuric@pbf.hr
Email: duska.curic@pbf.unizg.hr

Location: Laboratory for Cereal Chemistry and Technology


Date of birth: 08.november 1958.

Place of birth: Knin, Croatia

  Institution Final work/Thesis title Year
Undergraduate degree Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb «Isolation and fertility testing of isolates 1054 and 252 strains of Streptomyces rimosus» 1981.
MSc Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb «The rationalization of energy consumption in the evaporation station» 1986.
PhD Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb «Gelatinization and liquefaction of corn starch with α-amylase during extrusion process» 1996.
Work expericence
Job title Institution Year
Assistant Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of food engineering 1982.-1989.
Senior Assistant Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of food engineering, Laboratory for chemistry and technology of carbohydrates and confectioneries 1989.-1997.
Assistant Professor Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of food engineering, Laboratory for cereal chemistry and technology 1997.-2002.
Associate Professor Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of food engineering, Laboratory for cereal chemistry and technology 2002.-2007.
Full Professor Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of food engineering, Laboratory for cereal chemistry and technology 2007.-
Vice-dean for Science Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb 2007.-2011.
Research visit
Institution Location Year
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Leuven, Belgija 1991.
ENITIAA Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs des techniques des industries agricoles et alimentaires Nantes, Francuska 2004., 2006., 2008.
University of Ghent, Faculty of Agriculture Ghent, Belgija 2005.
Warsaw University of Life Sciences Varšava, Poljska 2012.

Znanstvena djelatnost:

Articles Indexed in SCI/CC: 21

Scientific papers in other journals: 15

Scientific conference papers: 48

Book chapters: 2

Patents: 1

Participation in national and international conferences: 56


- National Science Awards of the Republic of Croatia, 2009

- Medal of the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb for extraordinary scientific achievements, 2010.

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