Danijela Bursać Kovačević, PhD

Danijela Bursać Kovačević

Contact information

Phone: + 385 1 4605 128
Fax: + 385 1 4605 072
Email: dbursac(at)pbf.hr
Email: danijela.bursac.kovacevic@pbf.unizg.hr

Location: Laboratory for Chemistry and Technology of Fruits and Vegetables


Associate Professor


   Institution  Title  Year
MSc Faculty of food technology and biotechnology University of Zagreb Creation of recipes for low calorie blueberry and red currant jelly products 2002
PhD Faculty of food technology and biotechnology University of Zagreb Effect of cultivar, cultivation and processing on stability of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of strawberry 2010
Habilitation Lecture Faculty of food technology and biotechnology University of Zagreb Stability of anthocyanins during processing 2016
Work experience
 Position  Institution  Year
Assistant Faculty of food technology and biotechnology University of Zagreb 2003
Scientific Researcher Faculty of food technology and biotechnology University of Zagreb 2005
Scientific associate Faculty of food technology and biotechnology University of Zagreb 2010
Assistant professor Faculty of food technology and biotechnology University of Zagreb 2016
Associate professor Faculty of food technology and biotechnology University of Zagreb 2019
 Institution  Place  Year
Institut Supérieur des Sciences Agronomiques, Agro-Alimentaires, Horticoles et du Paysage (Agrocampus Ouest) Angers, France 2008
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad (CEEPUS mobility) Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia 2022
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad (Academic Mobility Programme under the auspices of University of Zagreb) Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia 2022
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad (CEEPUS mobility) Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia 2023


  • 2006. Biotechnical foundation of the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology Award for the best students and young researchers
  • 2013. The Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia award for the most successful EU project in Croatia 2010-2012. (IPA 2007/HR/16IPO/001-040302, collaborator)   
  • 2015. Golden Arca Award for the successfully implemented project "Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus var. Maraska) as an ingredient in functional food", The 13th International Fair on Innovation in Agriculture, Food Industry and Agricultural Machinery AGRO ARCA 2015 8th International Fair of Innovations in Agriculture, Food Industry and Agricultural Machinery. Trilj, Croatia (Croatian Association of Innovators and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management); collaborator                 
  • 2016. RegioStars Award nomination for the original and innovative project: “The application of innovative technologies in bioactive compounds isolation from organic waste in the wine production” (EU Structural Funds within the 2007-2013 programme/ Call: „Strengthening capacities for research, development and innovation “, RC.2.2.08.), collaborator, 2014.- 2016
  • 2020. The State Science Awards for 2019 (Croatian Parliament)
  • 2021. Award for exceptional contribution to scientific research - published scientific paper in the best ranked journal in the previous year (Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb),"Functional Foods: Product Development, Technological Trends, Efficacy Testing, and Safety", Annual Review of Food Science and Technology (doi: 10.1146/annurev-food-032519-051708), IF=13.635, Food Science & Technology 1/142, Q1)
  • 2021. Tanner Award for co-authoring the most-cited paper published in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety in 2018 (IF=12.81 2/144 Q1 Food Sci) (Institute of Food Technologists, IFT) (https://ift.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1750-3841.15207)
  • 2021., 2022. and 2023. Clarivate™ award for Highly Cited Researchers ranked in the top 1% by citations for Agricultural Sciences by the Web of Science™ (https://clarivate.com/highly-cited-researchers/)
  • 2022. Award for the best poster 2022. "Strawberry tree fruit (Arbutus unedo L.) as a valuable ingredient for functional food production" - XXXIV Scientific-Professional Conference - with international participation - Processing And Energy In Agriculture - PTEP 2022, Sokobanja, Serbia (03.-08.04.2022.)
  • 2022. elected as the top 2% of scientist by Stanford University and Elsevier (http://www.unizg.hr/nc/vijest/article/hrvatski-znanstvenici-medu-2-najutjecajnijih-u-svijetu-vecina-sa-sveucilista-u-zagrebu/)
  • 2023. elected as the top 2% of scientist by Stanford University and Elsevier (https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6)



  1. Sustainable Functional Food Processing (2022) MDPI
  2. Agri-Food Industry Strategies for Healthy Diets and Sustainability (2020) Academic Press, London, UK

Guest Editor

  1. Editor for SI Foods, (MDPI) (2024) Digital Transformation and Green Technology Innovation in Food Production
  2. Editor for SI Processes, MDPI (2024) Innovative Strategies and Applications in Sustainable Food Processing
  3. Editor for SI Foods, MDPI (2023) Sustainable Technological Advancements for Food Quality — Volume II
  4. Editor for SI Foods, MDPI (2023) Sustainable Technological Advancements for Food Quality
  5. Editor for SI Foods, MDPI (2023) Fruits and Vegetables: Recent Advances in Sustainable Extraction and Processing Technologies
  6. Editor for SI Foods, MDPI (2022) Natural Extracts Obtained via High-Pressure Processing and Their Application in the Food Sector
  7. Editor for SI Molecules, MDPI (2022) Food Polyphenols as Affected by Food Processing Conditions
  8. Editor for SI Foods, MDPI (2021) Sustainable Functional Food Processing
  9. Editor for SI Journal of Food Quality, Hindawi (2021) Food Quality in the Digital Age
  10. Editor for SI Foods, MDPI (2018) Novel Food Processing and Extraction Technologies

Editorial board member

Scietific projects

  • Principal Investigator for PRIMA Project „From Edible Sprouts to Healthy Food –   Feed“ (Prima Call 2022, Prima Section 2 – Multi Topic 2022, Topic 2.3.1 (RIA) Enabling the transition to healthy and sustainable dietary behaviour) (HORIZON 2020 Programme)
  • Principal Investigator for the scientific project HRZZ IP-2019-04-2105 "Hurdle technology and 3D printing for sustainable fruit juice processing and preservation"
  • Project coordinator for CEEPUS III RS-1512-04-2324 - Improving Food Quality with Novel Food Processing Technologies


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