Mia Kurek, PhD

Mia Kurek

Contact information

Phone: + 385 1 4605 003
Fax: + 385 1 48 36 083
Email: mkurek@pbf.hr
Email: mia.kurek@pbf.unizg.hr

Location: Laboratory for Food Packaging, 2nd Floor / Room 104


Associate Professor Mia Kurek, senior research associate, graduated in 2007 from the Faculty of Food and Biotechnology (PBF) of the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Since February 2008, she has been employed at the PBF of the University of Zagreb as a researcher. She completed her doctoral thesis as part of a double doctorate of science/ Cotutelle de these obtaining two doctorates entitled „Comprehensive study of the effects of formulation and processing parameters on structural and functional properties of active bio-based packaging films“ under the dual mentorship of prof. PhD. Kata Galić and prof. PhD. Frédéric Debeaufort. She defended it on 24 October 2012 in Dijon, Université de Bourgogne, France. From April 1, 2014. until April 1, 2015. she was working as a postdoctoral researcher at INRA-IATE, Université de Montpellier 2, France. She actively speaks English and French.

Teaching activities: Food Packaging course at the graduate study of Food Engineering, at the Shelf-life of Packaged Food at the undergraduate and graduate studies, and at the Selected Topics in Food Packaging at the Food Safety Management graduate study.

During doctoral studies and postdoctoral training, also participated in teaching at Universities in France (2010-2012 Université de Bourgogne; 2014/2015 at Université de Montpellier 2).

Memberships: a member of the Committee for International Cooperation of Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, of the Committee for Quality Management of Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology and of the Faculty Council. She is a member of the Croatian Society of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists.

Scientific/professional projects: several projects financed by the Croatian Ministry of Education and Culture; Croatian Science Foundation - HRZZ; bilateral cooperation with China, and as a researcher and collaborator on three international projects in France. She also participates in the realization of three international projects related to the transfer of knowledge and technology (2 Erasmus+ projects and 1 COST project).

Scientific research work includes research and analysis of the structure and mass transfer mechanisms of substances through packaging materials for food packaging and their release. Focuse on active compounds, their isolation and extraction from natural by-products aimed for food and pharmaceutical applications. She also works on encapsulation of natural compounds in various biopolymer matrices, and further follows their activity, and their impact on food. The core of her research are  development of new biodegradable, sustainable and active biomaterials.

She regularly provides reviews for various scientific journals, with more than 70 participation in the past 5 years. Member of the editorial board: Food Packaging and Shelf-Life, American Journal of Applied Chemistry.

Guest Editor:  Antioxidants, Special Issue "Application of Antioxidants and Bioactive Compounds in Food from Agriculture to Health Benefits", 2022, ISBN: ISSN 2076-3921, IF 7.675

Collaboration with scientific institutions: University of Rijeka – Faculty of Medicine and Centre for micro and nanoscience and technology; UNIZG – Faculty of Graphic Art; University of Burgundy, Agrosup Dijon, IUT-Dijon, France; ISIPCA Versailles, University of Montpellier, INRA, Montpellier, France, Victoria University, Australia; Institute of Food Science and WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES, Warsaw Poland.  

Prizes: She is the winner of the Croatian State Prize for Science for young scientific researchers in the field of Biotechnical sciences for 2012.

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