Food Packaging (FM)

Course Coordinator

ECTS points:

poslijediplomski specijalistički

Course Description

Characteristics and functions of food packaging materials. Parameters affecting packaging material selection. The most common packaging materials for food packaging: polymers (monofilms, laminates), glass, metal (lacquered and non-lacquered cans),biodegradable polymers, edible films. Food packaging methods: aseptic packaging, vacuum packaging, modified/controlled atmosphere, active and intelligent packaging (susceptors). Food-packaging interaction (corrosion, migration, gas and water vapour permeability). Handling and transportation. Legislation on food contact materials. Packaging and environment (package waste).


  1. Debeaufort, F., Galić, K., Kurek, M., Benbettaieb, N., Ščetar, M (2021) Packaging materials and processing for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics, Debeaufort, F., Galić, K., Kurek, M., Benbettaieb, N., Ščetar, M., (eds.). ISTE Ltd., London and John Wiley & Sons, New York. ISBN: 978-1-78945-039-2. pp. 386
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