Online webinar SPACE FOOD: The past, the present and the future

Online webinar SPACE FOOD: The past, the present and the future

Dear colleagues,

certainly you have seen astronaut’s life in space whether it was a real video footage or a movie adaptation. But have you ever wondered what and how do astronauts eat while in a zero gravity environment? Do they have any food choices or how much food they have available?

Here is your chance to find out answers on these and many more questions!       
Vickie L. Kloeris, MS, CFS will walk us through a brief history of space food with focus primarily on the current NASA space food system used on the International Space Station. The presentation will cover information on the types of food and packaging used as well as preparation of food and dinning on orbit. Also, we will have an opportunity to find out what are the current challenges for the space food system for a mission to Mars. 
Join us live, 21st May 2020 at 6 PM (GMT +2) on Facebook Event Page (       
Get ready, set, l(a)unch!

Until then, stay safe!


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