Shelf Life of Packaged Foodstuffs (eng)

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General Shelf Life Analysis Requirements. Effect of packaging material on product shelf-life. Barrier characteristics of packaging materials. Factors affecting permeation characteristics of packaging materials. Packaging permeation on: gases, water vapour. Effect of packaging methods on product shelf-life. Effects of environmental factors on product shelf-life. Shelf-life protocols: Challenge study; Accelerated shelf life testing; Confirmatory storage study; On-going shelf life monitoring. Food-package interaction (corrosion, migration: global, specific). Packaging and moisture transfer. Permeability and Shelf Life. Water Vapor Permeability of Packaging: Moisture gain; Moisture loss solution. Evaluation of the rate of oxidation of foods packaged in a semipermeable pouch. Oxygen permeation. Sustainability and development of new food packaging materials and their impact on shelf life. Packaging laws and regulations (EU). The kinetic model. Seminars: Shelf-life determination: case studies. Tasks definition and allocation. Seminars presentation by students.



Types of teaching teaching hours
label name
L Lectures 15
S Seminar 15


1. ROBERTSON, G. L. Food Packaging – Principles and Practice, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 2013.
2. ROBERTSON, G. L. Food packaging and shelf life : a practical guide, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC., 2010.
3. STEEL, R. (Ed.) Understanding and measuring the shelf-life of food, Woodhead Publiching Limited and CRC Press LLC, 2004.
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